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To Make a Public: An Anti-Profit Publication

The public space of the site is an expression of underlying ideals and we are intent on continuing to experiment with our own form in order to push forward the discussion on artist-led action and the latent potential it carries to transform our art worlds, our institutions, our means of expression and ourselves.

Art Writing: Rachel Reese

Websites are changing rapidly in an attempt to keep up with our shorter attention spans and under-comprehension of information and content.

Art Writing: James McAnally

In order to see a continued presence of art criticism that is attuned to the full range of activities taking place in local communities, alternative options to subsidize writers’ work are necessary.



RM Gallery and Project Space

RM Gallery and Project Space

RM is an artist-run space, project office and archive. RM is a gallery that places the work of local emerging artists alongside more seasoned practitioners. RM seeks to engage with the practices, discourses and modes of presentation that aren’t well-supported or easily accessible in Auckland.

Snehta Residency

Snehta Residency

The first artist residency in the heart of Athens engaging with international and local artists.



Design studio, project space, bookstore, curatorial office, niche publishing house, and micro-laboratory for urban aesthetics and collaborative thinking in Auckland, New Zealand.