Rachel Reese interviews the founders of the Philadelphia CSA, which supports a direct maker-to-buyer relationship between artists and collectors in the region.
ArticlesThe Print Center in Philadelphia was founded in 1915 and continues to support printmaking and photography through its exhibition and education programs.
The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts has an interdisciplinary and collaborative focus that is very unique in Houston and nationally.
In partnership with Atlanta-based online magazine BURNAWAY, Lilly Lampe interviews Grocery on Home founder Matt Arnett about the unique domestic space’s performance series.
Maggie Ginestra and Aubrey Longley Cook convene a conversation around Atlanta’s ‘art-drag’ community covering Lacan, drag-as-activism, and performance cultures in the city.
As a window into how artists are working and thinking in Atlanta right now, these dialogues are excerpts from three recently recorded conversations between a Walthall Artist Fellow and his or her Artist Mentor.
Sage Dawson spoke with Stephanie Smith, founder of the Altanta Printmakers Studio, about the group’s origins and projects, including the annual Print Big! event that uses a steamroller to print large woodcuts.
“SIX x ATE” is a free dinner and lecture series promoting local artists, a stronger arts network and a more interdisciplinary conversation in Pittsburgh. For each event, six artists are invited present or perform work and one cuisinier creates a meal based based on the theme for that night.