Copy+Paste: In Search of the Miraculous
This essay is the first in an ongoing series titled Copy+Paste that will feature excerpts of artist’s projects that exist in blog form.
Editor’s Note: Right now, artist Lindsey White is somewhere in Georgia, exactly halfway through an epic three month cross country road trip with her dog Lolly. This trip is actually a long planned project titled “In Search of the Miraculous,” after a triptych of the same name by conceptual Dutch/Californian artist Bas Jan Ader who, in 1975, disappeared at sea while attempting the second performance, a solitary sail east across the Atlantic Ocean. Through this journey, she wishes to pay homage to his act of “daring determination,” and inspire her own playful intuitive artistic process.
Unlike Bas Jan Ader, after a long weaving loop across the country Lindsey hopes to return to her current base in San Francisco safe and sound . The Oklahoma native is an interdisciplinary artist who works primarily in photography, video and sculpture. She describes her work as exploring the “magic of everyday life,” which she will undoubtedly find on this romantic adventure. The following is an excerpt taken from her blog,, that Lindsey has been keeping from the road as an integral part of the project.
-Sarrita Hunn
The following is an excerpt is from Las Vegas, March 17th, 2011.

This time Craig has a friend working at a terrible club where we can all get in free, etc.
We hit up the local Overton Museum for directions but…
We asked around, but no one had actually been to Double Negative. (what!?)
There’s a quote on Michael Heizer’s website that I feel I truly understand now: “There is nothing there, yet it is still a sculpture.”
It’s okay it was only one of the top things I wanted to see! Ha!
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