The ability to record (and, if I want, to immediately publicly post) initiates a new way of looking: instances that would be overlooked can now be looked back on.
Tag Archives: Walter Benjamin
Presentation on “Visions of the Future” (poster designs by Invisible Creature for NASA, 2015) from the “Uncertain Futures from the Uncertain Past” conference at Maria State University, Quadrant Charlie, The Moon, 15th October 2117.
At the Edge of all Possibles (2014) is a lecture/performance by the Turkish artist Zeyno Pekunlu presented in the form..
Bethany Cluff considers the representation of the artist through depictions of the artist studio throughout history.
The Lucy R. Lippard Lecture is part of an ongoing project by artist/researchers Diana Smith and Kelly Doley that investigates pedagogical tools for reconsidering feminist art histories and futures.
Desearch Repartment is a syndicate for satirical excellence and they begin their modest proposals from the insight that artists, as..
Editor James McAnally considers the reemergence of the alternative space as a potential community past captial in this essay commissioned for PHONEBOOK 4, published by Threewalls.