“Eddie’s Gulch,” a new show by Matt Siegle at Los Angeles’s Park View Gallery, centers on the fictional “Eddie,” a figure..
Oscar Murillo’s Artpace residency exhibition A prophecy in the history of things is heavy with symbolism, the artist’s own biography,..
The performing arts have a problem. They are fighting a losing battle, struggling to gain traction among audiences in a..
Kim Beck reviews the 2015 edition of Open Engagement as a continuation of our social response to the conference.
“What is the role of artists in defining place and creating change in the world?” This question was posed to..
This ‘social response’ will consider Open Engagement’s vision, history, and reception, as well as offer a critical response to the 2015 edition, with a goal of exploring a new form of critical writing around socially engaged practices that emphasizes the complex, embedded and decentered dialogues around the work.
The stories we tell about what happened in the past are not what happened. They are just that: (her/his) stories,..
The trouble with talking about decentralized cultures is semi-obvious; the moment you point to any one aspect of the network,..