Gotong Royong’s focus on ‘togetherness’ may harken current moments of collective resistance, but it can also be read as a reaction to earlier Polish leftist avant-garde artists…
ArticlesMuseums were trapped. Artists were trapped. Nonprofits were trapped. Social entrepreneurs were trapped. This feeling was one of the major sparks for the Occupy Movement…
Presentation on “Visions of the Future” (poster designs by Invisible Creature for NASA, 2015) from the “Uncertain Futures from the Uncertain Past” conference at Maria State University, Quadrant Charlie, The Moon, 15th October 2117.
Provoked by the discontent over the current state of collections and collecting practices, Collection Collective proposes an alternative model in which the artists and cultural workers themselves could safeguard, determine and benefit from a collectively owned and managed art collection.
There is no lack of art which challenges existing conditions and makes propositions for new ways of living and working together – yet all too often these practices are strictly supported and celebrated in the realm of programming, while our institutions neglect to learn from the radical practices that they propose.
Sophie Dyer and Sasha Engelmann tell the speculative story of a ‘radio fossil’: a radio-borne image that traverses the bounds of Earth’s surfaces, elements, atmospheres and techno-geographies.