The series began with the “X Housewife Drafts” – iPhone pictures taken by the artist in her bathroom mirror.
ArticlesAllison Brown considers the recent decision to raise the Indianapolis Museum of Art’s admission from free to $18 and its effects on surrounding low-income neighborhoods.
Regardless of what form it takes, public art often possesses a rather dismal outlook for what might be contemporary art’s only refuge ‘outside’ the white box.
Juan Carlos Zaldivar’s Weird Miami tour took participants through various facts and myths through South Beach and blurred the lines between prepared spectacle and urbanism.
A first-hand account of our editor’s arrest and detention at a peaceful protest following the no-indictment decision of Darren Wilson in Ferguson, MO on November 25th, 2014.
Fall Semester’s organizers consider the initiative’s place in Miami’s physical and intellectual environment in the weeks following the initial public lectures.
Michael Brown’s tragic death transformed the city of St. Louis into a place of action and connection and serious visualization. In this essay, the actions of artists in support of the movement are surveyed.