All posts by Editor

Art Education: Julia Cole

No.: 006 Topic: Art Education Prompt: Working within a $10,000 budget, how would you recommend for a young/emerging artist to..

Gallery Protocol

Gallery Protocol is a contemporary art gallery located in Gainesville, FL. Founded in 2013, Gallery Protocol is one prong of a larger undertaking (Protocol Project) in support of contemporary visual arts and artists in North Florida and beyond.

Permission to Fail

The crisis of higher education is not unique to the arts. However, artists in particular sit at the crux of this broken system more than most people in other fields, in part because the arts have the largest debt to job prospect ratio.


WOW HUH was founded with the desire to fill a perceived gap in arts writing, namely the lack of critical, longer form essays by younger writers.

Art Writing: Genevieve Quick

In the latest Futures, Genevieve Quick addresses the need to reassess how we educate art writers and support new and alternative media in art writing.