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People’s Gallery and Biennial

Bob Newland’s photographs recently on view at the People’s Gallery capture the agony and ecstasy of the American rodeo. However, the photographs themselves tell only half of the exhibition’s story.

Earthbound Moon

During one of many mundane days at his San Francisco office, Alex Clausen was surfing the net, dreaming of escape and reconnecting with the land, and purchased a small parcel of land in Texas for under $500 bucks.

Interview with Dominic Molon

I recently sat down at the Scottish Arms for a conversation with Dominic Molon, the newly installed Chief Curator at CAMSTL, to discuss his recent move from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago (MCA), the mythology that develops around curators and, of course, the Velvet Underground.



RM Gallery and Project Space

RM Gallery and Project Space

RM is an artist-run space, project office and archive. RM is a gallery that places the work of local emerging artists alongside more seasoned practitioners. RM seeks to engage with the practices, discourses and modes of presentation that aren’t well-supported or easily accessible in Auckland.

Snehta Residency

Snehta Residency

The first artist residency in the heart of Athens engaging with international and local artists.



Design studio, project space, bookstore, curatorial office, niche publishing house, and micro-laboratory for urban aesthetics and collaborative thinking in Auckland, New Zealand.